Who can enter this contest?

Any currently enrolled Ferris State University student can enter.  In order to enter the Freshman/Sophomore categories, you have to have freshman or sophomore class standing.  The same goes for the Junior/Senior categories.

Can I enter more than one work?

Yes.  You can enter one work per category that you are eligible for, and two works in poetry and art.

When can I submit?

You can submit any time of the year (as an enrolled student), but the annual deadline is the fourth Monday in March (unless otherwise advertised).  Entries that come in after the deadline are entered in the next year’s contest.

How do I submit my work?

We take electronic submissions. Visit our Submission Manager.

How is the work judged?

Judges are members of the Department of English, Literature, and World Languages. Student names are removed from works before the judges see them, so they are judged “blind.”

What happens if I win?

There is a $150 prize for first place in each category and $75 for second place.  Honorable mentions are also named.  All winners are published in the PRISM annual journal and are invited to the annual PRISM Awards ceremony.

What happens if I don’t win?

We don’t publish the names of the non-winners or anything, and judges don’t know your name when they read your work.  If you don’t win, you don’t win. That’s it.

I want to submit my work, but I don’t know if it’s good enough.  What should I do?

Submit it!  The more entries, the better!

Who runs this contest?

It is sponsored by The Department of English, Literature, and World Languages at Ferris State University and depends on the work of the faculty and staff.  Jamie Thomas is the current coordinator.
